Micro-Needling is a safe, effective and minimally invasive procedure that applies micro needles to the skin creating a series of tiny punctures. Micro-Needling results include glowing, smoother and younger skin but without he downtime or trauma that is associated with laser or chemical treatments.

Does it hurt? No. A numbing cream is applied to your skin for thirty minutes before your treatment making it well tolerated.

Will I bleed? It depends on the level of treatment you require. It is possible to see pinprick bleeding that will end shortly after the session. No one will notice the micro punctures.

How long does a treatment take? A full face and neck anti-aging is normally completed in 20-40 minutes.

How many treatments should I have? Depending on your treatment goals and your skin condition, you may decide to have a single treatment or you may need to have a series of four to eight treatments spaced two to six weeks apart.

How will my skin feel after the treatment? Immediately after the treatment you skin may be sensitive to touch and appear red or flushed. Usually within four to six hours, redness and sensitivity will diminish and within 24 hours the micro channels will feel healed. Normally after two to three days the redness and sensitivity will end allowing a new, radiant complexion to shine through.

Is there any downtime? MD Pen Micro-Needling treatments do not cause the same trauma to the skin as Fractional Laser so there is no downtime.

If you are ready to have smoother, fresher skin on your face or body, including the hands, lips, neck, décolletage and abdomen, call our office for a free consultation today and have your face holiday ready!!   703-444-2777